Friday, February 18, 2011

FROM the man who - first edition!

I have told a few men that I write this blog to obtain feedback and ideas.   Some have become regular readers (thank you, gentlemen!) If you enjoy this blog please pass along to men and hopefully they'll leave their comments so that I can provide content they would also enjoy.  I'm an equal opportunity sex blogger, people, despite what you may think based on the title.

I was discussing relationships and good ol' sexy times with one today and he shared the following little nugget of awesome with me -

I want to mention before I repeat him that this gentleman happens to be exactly that: courteous, kind, thoughtful, intelligent, funny, and, of course, married.  (Don't worry our discussions are not scandalous.)  What I loved the most about this piece of wisdom is that when he shared it with me he cited the sex author who wrote it first!  A man who actually reads about the very thing most men convince themselves they know everything about.  Kudos to him and to his lucky wife.

Here we go, a great quote from Dan Savage, via Savvy Married Guy:

"Oral sex is like air conditioning, if you find out your model doesn't come with it, RETURN TO DEALER IMMEDIATELY."

Sunday, February 13, 2011

To the men in Los Angeles (Part 1)...

If you did one or more of the following more frequency, you would get laid accordingly: 
  • Smile at women
  • Hold the door for women
  • Dress more like a man than a woman
  • Be courteous
  • Cook.  Well.
  • Shop at farmers markets
  • Tell women you love going down on them, actually love going down on them, and be good at it
  • Own puppy or puppies
  • Walk said puppy or puppies
  • Not be a douche

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

To the man who brought me to my knees...

"I got in trouble the last time," I confessed.  "For being too loud."

Sometimes we ease into each other, take our time feeling each other's rhythm of breath. Linger on the curves of our bodies and hold kisses longer than necessary.

This is not one of those times.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

To the men with tattoos...

Just so you know what we're thinking when we eye your markings:

(please excuse the typo in my second reply)

Saturday, February 5, 2011

To the man i let go...

every day i think about you.  every day i miss you. 
every day i love you.
